Bike Rodeo Rescheduled -Wednesday, September 14
Due to heat index, the Bike Rodeo scheduled for 9.7.16 was canceled. The Bike Rodeo is rescheduled for Wednesday, 9/14, 3:35-4:45 pmIf you would like your child to participate in the rescheduled Bike Rodeo on Wednesday, 9/14, 3:35-4:45 pm, you must complete and return the following updated permission slip by Tuesday, 9/13.Please click here for NEW Bike Rodeo Permission Slip
We are also still looking for volunteers! Please email If you are available, please arrive by 3:15. If you have any questions about the Bike Rodeo, please email
Reflections Program - What is Your Story?
Does your child love art? This year’s National Reflection program theme is, "What Is Your Story?" OMS students in K-5 are encouraged to tell their story through dance, a short film, a poem or story, an original song, a photo or visual work of art. Students can create as many projects as they like, in as many arts categories as they like. From the local PTA, projects advance through a judging system through council, district, region, state and national levels of the program.Please CLICK HERE for the Rules and CLICK HERE for the Entry Form. Please return your submission to the school by November 4th. Any questions contact Kim Hemminger or Katie Fischer.
Camp Fit is Back!
This after school activity is for students in 1st through 5th grade and will run for 4 weeks. It begins on Wednesday, September 21st and ends on October 12th. It will take place every Wednesday from 3:35-4: 45. Please click here for more information and to sign up. Space is limited, sign up soon! If you are interested in volunteering please contact Lindsey Campion or Becky Hany
Picture Day - Monday 9/19
Mark your calendars and don't forget to bring your smile! Have you seen all of the backgrounds available? CLICK HERE to view all 100 options! Order forms came home this week. Please note: Yearbooks are not included with picture packages and will be ordered separately later in the school year. Please contact Nina Shamoon with any questions.
The 5th Annual Progressive Dinner
The 5th Annual Progressive Dinner is just a month away. This years Progressive Dinner will be held Saturday October 15th from 7-11pm. It is a fun parent night out and a great way to meet other OMS parents.We have wonderful families that volunteer to open up their homes for a night of fun! The cost for the event is $35 per person includes food and drinks. This is a PTA sponsored event so come out and support the OMS PTA.
To join the event, please CLICK HERE for the registration form and drop off in the front office at the school. Deadline is October 7th!
If you have any questions, please contact Kerri Grabowski ( or Katie Stawicki (
PTA Fair & Meeting -Wednesday, 9/21 7:00pm
Please join us for our first PTA General meeting. Everyone is welcome. We will be highlighting several of our 2016/2017 fundraisers and programs as well as voting on our budget. Before the meeting we will be having our PTA Fair. We are excited to showcase and promote our various clubs and committees. If you would like to learn more about all of the exciting opportunities your kids will have over the coming school year, please join us. Many committees will have tables set up with information to help you learn about their programs.
Who's got spirit? We've got spirit!

Our OMS school spiritwear sale is here! Samples are displayed in the commons. Visit to check out all of this year's styles and order online. Sale ends 9/16. Questions? Email Jo Voelker or Liz McDonnell.
Cub Scouts Open Invitation
OMS Cub Scout Pack 169 invites all boys 1st and older to our first pack meeting on Thursday, 9/22 6:30pm at Hickory Meadows Park (OMS commons in case of rain). All visiting boys will learn camping skills from local Boy Scout Troop 34 (based out of Thomas Middle School). We will also have an information session for the parents. Stop by and say hello! Also, be sure to stop by OMS commons on 9/15 7:00pm for the area-wide Scouts annual "Blast Into Scouting" event. We’ll have free rockets for new Scouts! Please click here for more information.
Calling all Military Parents or Grandparents
The Character Counts Program will salute our military parents and grandparents on the morning announcements on Friday, September 30th at 9am. We welcome any parents/grandparents involved with the military in any way to contact Rachael Hooker to learn more.
PTA Volunteer Opportunities
Would you like to help out with a program or event at school? Please CLICK HERE to fill out the Volunteer Form and see all of the opportunities.
Twig Submission Form
Does your club or committee want to promote or share something in the Twig? Please CLICK HERE to submit your information by the Wednesday evening prior to the Friday you would like it to run. Thank you!
OMS PTA Calendar
Please CLICK HERE for a link to the calendar. It can also be found on the home page of the Olive PTA website. We will make changes and updates on this calendar as club dates and events are confirmed and let you know when any changes have been made. (Thanks Deborah Oiler, who is our Calendar Chair and our 1st VP).
Calling all Amazon.comShoppers!
Please consider supporting the PTA and start shopping at and .5% of your purchases will be contributed to the Olive-Mary Stitt PTA. offers the same selection and same prices as, so there is no cost to you, and a charitable donation to the PTA is made! AmazonPrime benefits apply. Click here to learn more: "About AmazonSmile". To sign up, it is simple! Log on to, select " Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers Olive-Mary Stitt PTA Inc" under charitable organization, and you are set. Thank you for your support!
Have you found us on Facebook?
Friend us on Facebook to join the Olive PTA page. CLICK HERE to join!
District 25 E-Flyers
CLICK HERE to check out various community activities and events published on the district website.
2016/2017 PTA Budget
Please take a look at our Preliminary PTA Budget for 2016/2017 school year . We will be voting on it at the September 21st PTA meeting.
Upcoming Events..
9/12 - 5th Grade Band lessons begin 9/14 - Reflections program begins 9/14 - Bike Rodeo (rescheduled), 3:35 - 4:45pm9/14 - 5th Grade Band parent meeting, 7:00 - 8:00pm9/14 - PTA Committee Chair Workshop, 7:00pm9/19 - Picture Day! 9/21 - Camp Fit, 3:35 - 4:45pm9/21 - PTA Fair & Meeting, 7:00pm
Important Links