Tuesday, October 6

Walk-to-School Routes
WEST of Arlington Heights Road
Route 1:
Start at Euclid and Dunton at 8:35
Walk north up Dunton to Olive
Walk east on Olive to OMS
Route 2:
Start at Olive and Walnut at 8:40
Walk east to OMS
EAST of Arlington Heights Road
Route 3:
Start at Maude and Belmont at 8:35
Walk south on Belmont
Walk west on Olive to OMS
Route 4:
Start at Wilshire and Oakton at 8:35
Walk west on Oakton
Walk north on Douglas - east side of the street
Walk west on Olive to OMS
**Due to construction this has changed from last year. We will be looking for any walkers coming east from Belmont to join us. A teacher must be present to cross you over to Douglas to join the walking group.
Route 5:
Start at Douglas and Euclid at 8:35
Head north on Douglas - east side of the street
Walk west to OMS