The Library Media Center Staff would like to thank the Olive-Mary Stitt families who visited the LMC during Open House and sponsored new books for our library collection. Our total count of donated books was 121! Also, we had some students who won autographed copies of new books. The winners were as follows. Lia of 2-1 won Up! Tall, and High!. Jacob from 2-5 won Bless This Mouse. Olivia from 4-2 won Where the Mountain Meets the Moon. Thank you to all of our families for your support! We will use your donations to purchase additional materials for our library.
Olive-Mary Stitt Elementary School is a collaborative school community with responsible students who are passionate, global learners.
Friday, October 27, 2017
Nest for Celeste Update
Nest For Celeste Activities in Art Class
Students in Mr. DeMarco’s art classes have been excited to make projects that are connected to The Nest For Celeste book. First grade students made bird sculptures out of Model Magic and nestled them inside homemade nests. To begin the process, they learned about different kinds of nests. Then, they made nests with burlap and watered down glue. Finally, they completed their work by making birds, their first 3D works of the school year, and placed them inside the nests.
Second graders have been creating Audubon inspired bird illustrations. After choosing their favorite American bird, they drew the birds with pencil and permanent marker. The students gave extra attention to the contour and texture of each bird. Next, they colored the illustrations with colored pencil. As part of their instruction, the second graders learned how Audubon created his artwork by etching onto a copper plate.
Fifth grade students are in the early stages of creating miniature houses out of paper. Students began the lesson by learning about dollhouse miniatures throughout history, including the Thorne Miniature Rooms at the Art Institute of Chicago, which they visited as fourth graders. They also learned about the role of an interior designer and about the different types of color schemes they could incorporate into their projects.
Fourth Graders Take the Perspective of Celeste
Students in Mrs. Stevens’ class used their writing skills to write riddles about where Celeste might like to make a nest at Olive. They began the project by brainstorming what Celeste would look for in a nest. For example, she’d want to be out of the way of the rats, and she’d love to have friends nearby. Then, they wrote riddles so that others could guess their nest location. The next step was to take a photo of the place and a photo of themselves. Finally, they cropped the picture of themselves and put it into the “nest” that they had photographed through an iPad app. The riddles covered the pictures so that others could guess the nest’s location.

Arrival/Dismissal Reminders
Please take a few minutes to review our
Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures.
Please remember to use the crosswalks to cross Olive Street, Belmont Avenue or our parking lot. There are many cars that may not see you if you or your child crosses in the middle of the street.
Thank you for helping to keep everyone safe during these very busy times of day.
OMS Parent-Teacher Conferences Fall 2017
Monday, November 20 and Tuesday, November 21, 2017
At Olive-Mary Stitt Elementary School, we value a strong partnership between home and school. Twice a year, once in November and once in March, time is provided for Parent-Teacher Conferences. Conferences are a valuable time to share information and discuss the progress of our students. Parents will be able to sign up for conferences online, using
Parents will be provided directions and links to begin signing up for conferences on Monday, 11/6/17, at 10 am. The window for signing up for fall conferences will be Monday, 11/6/17 at 10 am through Thursday, 11/16/17 at 10 am.
The conferences are scheduled in 20-minute increments. In order to be fair and equitable to all our OMS families, each family may sign up for only one evening conference every year. Families may choose to either sign up for an evening conference in the fall or the spring, not both.
4th/5th Grade Parents: The conference times are for meeting with your child’s homeroom teacher. If your child has a different teacher for math and you have specific math questions, please email him or her.
Please remember that these two days are set aside for the purpose of conferences, not as vacation days. If you will be out of town during the conference days, please consider contacting your child’s teacher to arrange a phone, Google Hangout, FaceTime, or Skype meeting during a regular conference time slot.
We look forward to seeing you on 11/20/17 or 11/21/17 for your child's conference.
Stay Warm and Wear a Coat

Now that cooler temperatures have arrived we want to remind families that our expectation for recess is for students to wear a jacket or sweatshirt if the temperature is below 50 degrees. Students can always take them off and tie them around their waist if they are warm but they are not allowed to return to their classroom if they go outside and are cold. We appreciate your help in reminding your child that if you send them to school with a jacket they should be wearing it at recess too.
Just Jump Fun!
This week our students participated in the brand new PTA fundraiser JUST JUMP! During their PE class they spent time jumping rope to earn money for the PTA to sponsor spectacular events and clubs for OMS students. We are so grateful to our students and their families for raising money for our school.
TWIG 10.27.17
Friday, October 20, 2017
Lost and Found
We are only 37 days into the school year and our lost and found is already overflowing. Please take time to write your child's name or initial's inside jackets, sweatshirts, and outdoor wear. Ms. Davis took time to go through each of the 57 hanging items and only 7 of them had names or initials. We know that clothing is expensive and we would really like to be able to return as many items as possible.
Thank you for your help in trying to keep our lost and found hooks empty!
Thank you for your help in trying to keep our lost and found hooks empty!
Blue Ribbon Application
Now that it is officially "official" our school summary and full application for the Blue Ribbon Award can be found online. A team of OMS staff members devoted time to writing about each of the following areas to highlight just a few of the amazing characteristics of our school:
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Core Curriculum
- Other Curriculum Areas
- Instructional Methods, Interventions, and Assessments
- School Supports
- School Climate/Culture
- Engaging Families and Community
- Professional Development
- School Leadership
- Strategies for Academic Success
If you would like to read the entire application, please Click Here.
To access our summary page, please Click Here.
Book Orders for Henry Cole Author Visit
Author/Illustrator, Henry Cole, will be visiting Olive on Friday, November 10. He will be sharing information about writing and illustrating books to students throughout the day during large assemblies and classroom visits. If you would like to purchase an autographed book by Henry Cole please download and print the order form. The forms can be found on the OMS LMC website on the One Book One School page.
Students may also pick up a paper copy of the order form in the LMC if they need one. All Henry Cole book orders are due next week on Friday, October 27. They can be turned in to the LMC. The autographed books will be sent home with students the week of November 13.
One Book, One School: A Nest For Celeste
Students in grades one and three have been working on design challenges related to the book during LMC lessons. Mrs. Watanuki, the Advanced Learning Facilitator, has encouraged students to think like engineers and design new nests and baskets for Celeste in order to meet certain needs. The first graders had to design a new nest for Celeste that would allow her to have a place to hide, a place to store food, and a cozy bed for sleeping. The third graders were given situation cards that told about specific challenges/goals that Celeste was trying to accomplish. They had to engineer a basket to meet the need using items such as raffia, straws, cotton balls, etc. We loved to see the students’ creative ideas coming together!
Second graders practiced thinking like John James Audubon. They created bird journals during LMC lessons. They observed, measured, and drew birds in their journals. Since we didn’t have real birds to work with, we used stuffed animal birds. Then, they took notes about birds from a database that included facts, photos, videos, and even bird sounds.
Open House Activities
Come to the LMC during Open House!

Visit the ART room during Open House!

Don't forget to explore the MUSIC room during Open House!

The music room will be closed during these performances, but feel free to stop in between 7:30 and 8pm.
Jump on into the GYM during Open House!

Explore STEM-related learning materials in Room 110!
TWIG 10.20.17
Friday, October 13, 2017
Open House
Please join us for our Open House on Thursday, October 26th from 6:30 - 8:00 pm. As a special treat, our 4th-grade students will be performing in the commons at 6:45 - 7:15 pm (Grimm, Range & Stevens) and 7:15 - 7:45 pm (Beck & Wilson).
Open House is a time for your child to show you all of the hard work they have put into the last few months of school. They will be able to show you the spaces within their classrooms and around the building that they enjoy each and every day. The hallways will be lined with student work so there will be a lot to see. This evening is specifically designed for your child to take the lead. Teachers will be available in the classrooms to welcome you; however, this is not a time for conferencing. We value your child's privacy in regards to how they are doing both academically and socially and request specific questions be emailed or asked during our upcoming parent/teacher conferences.
HELP for HOBBY in HOUSTON Thank you!
We have been overwhelmed by the generosity our community has shown during our HELP for HOBBY in HOUSTON Fundraiser. It has been especially wonderful to hear about all of the jobs our students are doing at home to earn some of the money. We have had some great conversations about helping other people that we don't even know personally, drawing on the message from our interactive read alouds with the book We're All Wonders...
OMS families raised $3103.73 and Thomas Middle School raised $3103.48 for a grand total of
OMS families raised $3103.73 and Thomas Middle School raised $3103.48 for a grand total of
Wow, well-done OMS &TMS!
Halloween A to Z ~ 2017
Halloween A to Z ~ 2017
To help you get ready for this fun-filled day on Tuesday, 10/31,
we offer the following Halloween A to Z:
we offer the following Halloween A to Z:
AM Kindergarten Halloween Plans
Kindergarten teachers will send out Halloween information via email to all families. AM kindergarten students should be dressed in their costumes when they arrive at school. As a reminder, parents of AM kindergarten students are welcome to congregate in the Commons beginning at 9:05 am for the AM kindergarten parade at 9:10 am. AM classroom room reps. and party volunteers may begin decorating classrooms at 10:00 am while the students visit other classrooms. Only parents on the volunteer list that have a visitor’s badge will be allowed to leave the commons to help in the classroom. Volunteers, please make sure you leave plenty of time to pick up your visitor’s badge in the main office before you head down to the classroom.
Classroom Room Reps and Party Volunteers (PM Kindergarten & 1st-5th Grades)
Just like last year, you may arrive anytime after 12:15 pm to begin setting up for the classroom parties. Please make sure that you leave yourself plenty of time to pick up your visitor’s badge in the front entryway before you head down to the classroom. We will have pre-printed badges for all volunteers that have previously had their licenses scanned. If you have not yet had your license scanned, our office staff will do this when you arrive. Only individuals that are on the volunteer list and have a visitor’s badge will be allowed access to classrooms. We appreciate all that you have done to plan for a great day!
Please help your child choose a costume responsibly, understanding that we wish to promote safety while having fun. Please be sure that students do not bring weapons (real or fake) to school or wear costumes that include blood or depict violence. Please also exercise caution in selecting a mask, as students will not be able to wear them during the parties and may be asked to remove them if they make walking in the parade unsafe.
Lunch (1st-5th)
Students going home for lunch on this day will be dismissed from the front doors at 12:10 pm. Parents do not need to come into the office to sign their child out as the Halloween permission slip will serve as the sign-out. Students must return to school no later than 1:10 pm. To ensure proper supervision, students may not exit cars until 1:05 pm. They may line up outside their regular arrival doors (PM kindergarten, 2nd & 5th at door 7 and 1st, 3rd, & 4th at the front doors) to wait for the doors to open at 1:10 pm.
Students that stay at school for lunch will have an opportunity to eat and then change into their costumes at 12:40 pm. Food service will offer only the Zip Line lunch bag for lunch on Tuesday, 10/31 due to the low Halloween lunch participation. The only two lunch options on 10/31 will be 1) yogurt, string cheese, bagel stuffed w/cream cheese, fruit, two vegetable choices, & milk or 2) turkey and cheese deli sandwich, fruit, two vegetable choices, & milk.
Parade (Indoor)
If it rains/snows or the temperatures are too cold, we will parade inside the commons of our school. Parents of PM kindergarten, 1st & 2nd-grade students are welcome to congregate in the commons to view the indoor parade, beginning at 1:30 pm. Parents of students in 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade are welcome to congregate in the commons to view the indoor parade, beginning at 2:00 pm. Students in the first parade will enjoy their classroom parties immediately following their parade. Some classrooms in the second parade may begin their parties prior to the 2:00 pm parade and resume the festivities following the parade. We appreciate you understanding that we are not able to accommodate parents in the school prior to 1:30 pm as our custodian will be cleaning the commons after lunch. Also, so that every parent has an opportunity to see their child in the parade, we respectfully request that you only congregate in the commons during your child’s parade.
Parade (Outdoor)
If the weather cooperates, we will have our annual parade, beginning at 1:30 pm. This year we will not be crossing intersections. Instead, we will exit the building through the front doors and walk on the sidewalk of Olive Street towards Douglas. We will turn right at the stop sign to walk along Douglas Street near Greens Park. We will turn right and walk along the tree line to return to OMS. In the event of rain, we will bring the parade indoors. If we have to move inside, an email will go out to families around 12:50 pm.
Party Food Policy
Food will not be served during classroom celebrations. Also per the district, please do not send any food items to school for distribution to students. Our Halloween parades and classroom parties will focus on the fun of celebrating together through holiday games, crafts and activities.
Permission Slip
The following are links to a Google Forms Halloween Permission Slip. All classroom teachers will also email families these links. AM & PM kindergarten parents will be asked to indicate their child's parade/party plans. 1st - 5th grade parents will also be asked to indicate their child's Halloween lunch plans on the permission slip. Please complete a separate form for EACH of your children as this is how you give permission for EACH of them to participate in activities on Halloween. Please respond to this form by Tuesday, October 24th.
Safety & Supervision
We will have extra supervision in place on 10/31. We also ask that our parents be extra mindful of all safety procedures around our school on this day, as extra traffic, excited students, and rushed parents can result in a very dynamic parking lot. Thank you in advance for your respect of the dismissal procedures at lunch and at the end of the day.
The chance that it is going to rain on our parade! :)
We know that our students are very much looking forward to this event.
Thank you for helping to make this a great day for them!
Nest for Celeste - One Book One School
At school, our students have been busily searching for Celeste the mouse by following scavenger hunt clues. So far, they have discovered her by the elevator and just outside the art room.
Students in grades 1 and 2 have learned some background information about John James Audubon, the famous painter of birds, during their library time this week. If your family would like to learn more about Mr. Audubon, please follow this link to read an encyclopedia article about him:
Walk to School Day
On Monday, Oct. 2nd many OMS students and families joined our staff in celebrating National Walk to School Day. Thank you for making our morning bright!
Thursday, October 12, 2017
TWIG 10.13.17
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