Here is a link to the AHML reading list that accompanies the summer reading program.
Ms. Jurgens from AHML visited OMS on Monday and told students about the AHML summer reading program. She also read aloud a book titled, The Hello, Goodbye Window illustrated by Chris Raschka, the AHML artist-in-residence for the summer. We would love for our students to create their own hello, goodbye windows to display at OMS in August. A letter and window template were sent home with students earlier this week to explain the program. Students are invited to decorate their windows. Here are some ideas for decorating the windows:
Draw or print a picture of who lives inside your house. Don’t forget your pets!
Draw the cover of a favorite book you read this summer.
Draw or take a photo of a favorite activity that you do inside your house.
Another idea would be to draw what magical things you see when you look out your window.
Visit the OMS LMC website summer reading page to learn more about this window challenge. There is a place to download a new copy of the window poster if yours gets misplaced. Please bring your finished window posters to the LMC when school opens again in August. Keep reading!