Tuesday, June 19, 2018
OMS Summer Office Hours 2018
Sunday, June 10, 2018
5th Grade Film Festival
Saturday, June 9, 2018
Summer Reading

TWIG 06.08.18
To all of you! Our membership is strong and the amount that parents volunteer is astounding. We can't stress how much ALL OF YOU made this job easier. A big, huge shout out to our OMS PTA Members!
8/20 - School Meet & Greet8/21 - First Day of School Year 2018/2019
8/24 - Back to School Bash
Friday, June 1, 2018
2018-2019 Save the Dates
Summer Keyboarding Challenge
Last Day of School Information 2018
At the end the day, we will send off our 5th-grade students in style with a human tunnel. This has become a tradition at OMS, and we are hoping parents can join us! At approximately 3:35 pm we will dismiss our 5th-grade students through a human tunnel of kindergarten through 4th-grade students. The tunnel will be set up beginning near the front doors and wrapping around to the playground.
In the map below, you will see the route of the tunnel, along with an area for parents to watch, and grade level reunification areas.
TWIG 06.01.18
Friday, May 25, 2018
First Annual OMS Senior Walk
TWIG 05.25.18
Chris Bialko and Katie Zator organized another great First Aid for Little People last week! Our 1st and 2nd graders had fun while picking up some important safety tips. A special thank you to the Arlington Heights Park District aquatics staff, the Arlington Heights Fire Department, and all the parent volunteers with their help in making it a another successful program this year.
5/28 - Memorial Day - No school6/01 - Field Day
6/04 - 5th Grade Camp Edwards Field Trip
6/08 - Last day of school
Friday, May 18, 2018
Field Day Permission Slips Due
Fitness Gram Reports Grades 3-8
Chipotle for Dinner - Yes Please!
TWIG 05.18.18
5/23 - Camp Fit! @3:45pm5/23 - 4th Grade Band Open House @4pm
5/23 - School Board Meeting at Windsor @7:30pm
5/25 - No school
5/28 - Memorial Day - No school
Saturday, May 12, 2018
Shoes, Shoes, Shoes
Save the Dates!
TWIG 05.11.18
Saturday, May 5, 2018
TWIG 05.04.18
Thank you to Mary Hoffman and Erica Williams for a fun and creative week honoring our amazing staff. From pajama day to a lovely luncheon, everything was great!
5/07 - 5th Grade Band Concert at Hersey @7PM5/09 - 4th Grade Band Recruitment Meeting @2:15PM
5/09 - Camp Fit @3:45PM
5/10 - School Board Meeting @7:30PM
5/09 - Volunteer Appreciation @6:30PM
5/09 - PTA Meeting @7PM
5/10 - Kindergarten Tea: (10:30am & 2:30pm)
5/14 - Fill the Nest (All week)
5/14 - Superintendent Open Door 2-4pm
5/14 - Core Vocabulary Parent Night
5/16-17 - First Aid for Little People
5/16 - Camp Fit! @3:45pm
5/18 - 5th Grade How Life Begins Program
Friday, April 27, 2018
Poem In Your Pocket Day Blog Post
TWIG 4.27.18
Friday, April 20, 2018
Poem in Your Pocket Day is Coming
TWIG 04.20.18