This year, OMS staff developed the following two goals. The second goal focuses on the implementation of our new reading curriculum, Schoolwide:
- By spring 2017, maintain at least 90% of students in grades K-4 achieving grade level benchmark as evidenced by performance on the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System. The Benchmark assessment system is used to determine a student's independent and instructional reading levels and help teachers differentiate their instruction.
The second goal focuses on our collaborative work together as grade level teams in an effort to provide responsive instruction to all of our students.
- By Spring 2017, 80% of students in grades K-5 will score proficient on a common grade level assessment in a core academic area. Common grade level assessments are regular classroom tests that provide teachers with timely feedback regarding their students' progress, foster consistent expectations across grade levels, and enables educators to differentiate their instruction to best meet the needs of all of our students.