Olive-Mary Stitt Elementary School is a collaborative school community with responsible students who are passionate, global learners.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Service Learning Club

Over the last two weeks the Service Learning Club worked to promote and collect holiday letters for United States Soldiers who are serving our country.  We also collected spare change in each classroom in our “Cents for Sandy” campaign to collect money for the people on the East Coast who were affected by Hurricane Sandy.  We promoted the letters and change drive during the morning announcements and made posters for our school hallways for both collections.  We decorated and distributed jars for our coin collections, and we wrote sample letters to soldiers for the classroom teachers.  This week we collected the letters and put decorative stickers on them and tied them with ribbons for the soldiers. Service learning club works together to help people all over the world. For example the club helps people that were effected by powerful weather, people that can’t afford enough food to feed their family, and they send caring letters to the soldiers who are protecting our country.

Written by 5th grader Claire S.