Olive-Mary Stitt Elementary School is a collaborative school community with responsible students who are passionate, global learners.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Construction Updates 9.9.15

To keep everyone updated on the details and progress of our construction project, including reminders for drop-off and pick-up procedures, we will be posting updates every few weeks in the OMS blog. Our hope is that these updates answer some of your questions related to the project. As always, if you have any further questions, please contact our main office or Becky or Erin directly.

First off, thank you to our families for your cooperation as we have navigated these new procedures. Everyone has been so cooperative, patient, and respectful, which has allowed us to have a fun & safe start to the school year. Thank you!

If I arrive early to the drop-off lane, what time can my child exit the car?
Staff supervision begins at 8:50 am, so we are asking all parents to keep their child in their car until that time. Parents should pull all the way forward in the drop-off lane and wait with their child until 8:50 am.

Why do I have to pull all the way forward in the drop-off/pick-up lane?
We ask all cars to pull all the way forward in the lane (to the east end of the south drop-off/pick-up lane) to ensure that all families have space to pull into the school lot. Even if just one car stops early to drop their child off directly in front of the school doors, we run the risk of cars backing up and students arriving late to school.

Why am I being asked to not cross the sidewalk in front of the entrance/exit to the drop-off/pick-up area?
This is for your safety and to ensure that we can efficiently move cars in and out of the lot. We are asking all families to instead walk on the sidewalk that runs along our field/blacktop.

Where can I cross Olive Street if I live north of the school?
We are asking all students to cross with either the crossing guard right in front of the school or the crossing guard at Olive and Arlington Heights Rd. Please do not cross Olive Street with your children in any areas other than those manned by a crossing guard and/or those that have a stop sign/crosswalk. We all need to model this for our students.

How can I park in the community around OMS and still be respectful of the neighbors?
Please make sure that you park in legal spots, do not turn around in driveways, and do not make illegal u-turns on area streets. We are fortunate to have so many families walking, and we want to make sure they arrive to and leave school safely.

What’s being built at Olive-Mary Stitt?
The plans for Olive include 5 classrooms and a student restroom and staff restroom.  Additionally, a new gymnasium (approximately double the size the current gym) will be added.  Finally, the commons space will be expanded.

Why didn’t you start the construction over the summer so that you don’t disrupt the school year?
Our construction project will require 11 months of active construction so we have to do work during the school year.  It makes sense with our project plans to use the summer of 2016 to complete the project. 

We’ve been diligently moving forward with each required step in the construction process.  Steps included: (1) getting community input, (2) getting Board approval, (3) contracting for engineering site work, (4) working through the Village approval process, (5) publishing bid documents for the legally required open bidding process, (6) opening & awarding bids - scheduled for completion by October 1st, (7) active construction, and (8) completion - scheduled for August, 2016.

When will we see construction trucks?
We expect to have construction equipment on site on Monday, October 5, 2015.  

Will it be disruptive to the students and teachers?
All of the work being done will be outside of the current school buildings.  No work will be done inside of our schools until next June after students have left for the summer.  Of course, there will be some noise and some interesting equipment to watch.

What safety measures are in place to keep our students safe?
  • Construction areas are completely fenced off from student or staff or family access.  
  • All construction-related personnel have federal and state background checks and AHSD25 receives that information before workers are granted access to the fenced areas.  
  • Each worker will display a custom-created sticker that will be worn on their hard hats for easy identification.  Each site has a full-time project manager who will be on site at any time work is being done.  He/she will be the “go to” person for all construction-related trades.
  • No construction personnel will be able to access the inside of a school.  
  • Recess and PE plans have been altered so that students only access safe areas outside of our schools that are under construction.
Are you building any additional parking or bus lanes?
We are still considering what to do with parking, but it is unlikely we will add additional spaces.  All Olive families and staff are allowed to use the Orchard Church lot directly across the street.  There are many unused spots in this lot & the lot is very close to our front door.  

Why is the construction fencing already installed if construction won’t begin until October?  
We felt it was important to begin the school year with the new drop-off/pick—up procedures since they are significantly different than in previous year.  We believe it is safer to get used to the new routines now, than to wait and change them when construction equipment is on the property.  

Where will the kids have recess and PE during construction?
Outdoor space will be impacted, but students will still be able to use Greens Park.  Additionally, our front parking lot is being closed off to car traffic during the school day.  It will be used as blacktop area for students.