Although assignments may still change prior to the start of the 14-15 school year for a variety of reasons, we would like to share with you tentative teacher assignments for next year:
Kindergarten: Mrs. Tumpane, Mrs. Klimas, Mrs. Martens, TBD
1st Grade: Mrs. Brinati, Ms. Wrobel, Mrs. Vittore, Mrs. Nordman
2nd Grade: Mrs. Netzel, Mrs. Jansson, Ms. Musich, Mrs. Mueller, Mrs. Wilhelm
3rd Grade: Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. Range, Mrs. Molnar
4th Grade: Mrs. Grimm, Mrs. Yarbrough, Mrs. Christoforou, Mrs. Helmann, TBD
5th Grade: Mrs. Muhr, Mrs. Dunlop, Mr. Edstrom, Mrs. Tranter, Mrs. Fowler