Olive-Mary Stitt Elementary School is a collaborative school community with responsible students who are passionate, global learners.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Twig 1.10.14

Holiday Thank You
The entire office staff would like to thank all of you for thinking of this holiday season. The many cookies, candies, and sweet treats were enjoyed by all. Thank you!

Lunch Shift Change

Monday, January 27th will be our official lunch shift day. Students that had lunch at 12:10 PM for the first half of the year will eat at 12:40 PM and go out for recess first. Students that had lunch at 12:40 PM will eat at 12:10 PM and go out for recess afterwards. We are looking forward to this change and the opportunity for our students to experience the lunch period from a new perspective.

ABC25 Grants

Thanks to generous donations made to the ABC/25 Foundation, Olive teachers and staff are the recipients of grants, totaling approximately $3854.80. These grants will provide our students with materials such as science club materials, a wall timer for our gym, iPad applications, and additional teaching materials. We are very excited to have been awarded a grant which will be used to fund an outdoor classroom. Thanks to those of you that helped to fund these grants though your annual membership in ABC/25!