The library media center has kicked off a special contest for the month of November. All students are encouraged to read nonfiction books to help their classroom win the contest. The class who reads the most nonfiction books during the month will earn a special reward of free time in the computer lab as well as recognition as the winning class. In order to participate, students should select a nonfiction book and read the whole book. Then, they should select an interesting or juicy fact to share. They can pick up a colored book form in their classroom or in the LMC. On the form, there is a place to write the fact. The LMC will collect all of the forms and tally them to determine the winning class. Updates of how many forms per class have been submitted is shared through a visual display in the hallway outside the LMC. Students may work on their forms in school and at home. They may select any nonfiction book from any source as long as the book is at their reading level. Parents are encouraged to help Kindergartners and first graders write their facts. Good luck to all of the classes, and happy reading and learning!
If you'd like more information about the contest, please click the following link: