Olive-Mary Stitt Elementary School is a collaborative school community with responsible students who are passionate, global learners.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Twig 2/1/13

Parking Lot Reminders
We would like to send out a gentle reminder to parents regarding arrival and dismissal procedures. To ensure proper supervision, please make sure that your student(s) arrive no earlier than 8:50 a.m. Thank you for your adherence to the new No Left Turn sign.  The drop-off lane is moving well, however it is important to remember that you may not leave your vehicle unattended in this lane. Once your child has exited your car on the driver's side, please pull into the right lane so that other parents can move forward to drop off their child.  

When picking up your child in the pick-up / drop-off lane, students should only enter cars from our sidewalk.  If the line is backed up, and you are waiting on Olive Street to pull into our driveway, please do not encourage your child to enter your car on Olive Street.  Instead please wait to pull into the driveway, pull forward in the line, and have your child enter your car from the school's sidewalk.   

 If you would like to walk your child to his or her line, please make sure that you park in our parking lot.  If you do park in the parking lot, please accompany your child to the school sidewalk. There are a lot of cars pulling in and out, so we want to ensure that your child arrives safely to the school building. The parking lot may not be used to bypass the drop off line, as students are not allowed to exit cars that are not in a designated spot.  
Parents dropping their students off on the Belmont Avenue cul-de-sac must stay in their car and travel through an organized line to approach school on the east side of Belmont, turn  to drop-off, and then exit along the west side of Belmont. If you would like to park your car and walk with your student(s), please use the parking lot.  

Last, but certainly not least, please make sure that you are respectful of our neighbors during arrival and dismissal. We are very fortunate to have such great neighbors and want to make sure that our process does not significantly impact their ability to enter or leave their driveways. Thank you for all of your support to make sure that our precious students arrive and depart school safely.

FAQ on Head Lice

The following link will direct you to an annual letter from our nurses regarding head lice. The letter was originally sent out in October of this school year. The letter does not pertain to a particular situation at school, but rather it is an informational piece of literature. If you have any questions about the information contained in the letter, please feel free to contact one of our nurses.