Olive-Mary Stitt Elementary School is a collaborative school community with responsible students who are passionate, global learners.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Twig 1/18/13

Coffee & Conversation with the Principals
Mrs. FitzPatrick and Mrs. Perri will be hosting the second in a series of informal coffee meetings for parents, next Friday, January 25thth, from 9:15 am to 10:15 am.   The topic of this meeting will be fiction/nonfiction book pairings.    As parents, we all want to foster a love of reading in our children.  We would like to expose them to a variety of literature, yet help them develop reading skills.  Does your child tend to check out one type of book (either fiction or nonfiction) from the LMC?  Would you like to see your child expand his/her selections?  If so, come and hear this informative talk about pairing good fiction and nonfiction books given by Mrs. Brown, Olive-Mary Stitt School’s LMC Director.
Dr. Jerome is also going to be joining us at this meeting and she said that she would be happy to answer any questions during the Q & A portion of the meeting